Besetzen statt räumen! Keine Zwangsräumung der Beermannstraße 22 und 20! Demo am 6.2.

Niemand wird alleine gelassen! Demonstration und Kiezspaziergang

English version below

bsrdemoflyera5frontDerzeit werden die verbliebenen Bewohner*innen der Beermannstr 22 und 20 massiv unter Druck gesetzt! Wenn sie bis zum 6.2. nicht ihrem Rausschmiss in minderwertige Wohnungen zustimmen, werden sie gewaltsam in diese Wohnungen verfrachtet. Diese dreckige und gewaltätige Praxis hat ihren Segen durch Müller und Stadtabwicklungssenator Geißel. Als willige Vollstrecker führen die Verwaltung und die Kanzlei „Withe & Case“ die Anweisungen aus und verbreiten beabsichtigt Angst unter den Bewohner*innen. Am Ende soll der politische Skandal – der Abriss bezahlbarer und bewohnbarer Häuser und die A 100 – an die Polizei delegiert werden.

Wir sagen: Niemand wird alleine gelassen!

  • Wir werden allen Menschen, die in den Wohnungen bleiben wollen, den Rücken stärken!
  • Wir kündigen die Blockade von eventuellen Zwangsräumungen an! Wir werden die Häuser besetzen!
  • Wir werden am 6.2. mit einer Demonstration/Kiezspaziergang an der Cuvrybrache um 14.00 Uhr beginnen und entlang des Wrangelkiezes Orte der Verdrängung ablaufen. Auf der Beermannstraße werden wir im Beisein der Presse den Wiedereinzug einüben und laden alle Menschen ein, die dringend ein Dach über den Kopf suchen (etwa Obdachlose, Geflüchtete, Gekündigte etc.), sich die Häuser bzgl. Bewohnbarkeit anzuschauen!
  • Außerdem wird an dem Tag ein zeitliches Ultimatum an den Senat ergehen: Wenn die Wohnungen nicht für die Menschen zum Wohnen freigegeben werden, werden sie besetzt!

Fr 6.2. | 14:00 | Cuvrystr./Schlesische Str. | Demo/Kiezspaziergang

Gerne Umzugskartons mitbringen!

Achtet auf aktuelle und kurzfristige Ankündigungen!

Flyer-deutsch (PDF)

Demonstration against the approaching eviction of the houses Beermannstr. 20 and 22

bsrdemoflyera5enfrontIn solidarity with the remaining tenants of Beermannstr. 20 and 22 who are acutely threatened with eviction, against a policy of expulsion and exclusion in favor of dubious major construction projects, against an inhumane refugee policy, against escalating rents and the Berlin Senat’s ruthless methods of enforcement.

The remaining residents of Beermannstr. 20 and 22 are being put under extreme pressure. Following the demolition of the garden plots at Beermannstr. 24, the residents‘ legal rights as tenants are suspended in favor of pushing through A100 highway construction plans. Instead expropriation procedures were initiated and a gun was put to the tenants head: During the hearings between 19 and 23 January, they each got a last offer for a substitute apartment and a deadline to move out by 6 February. If they don’t comply, the so-called “Umzugspauschale”, a lump sum of 800 + 200 Euro per apartment for moving out, will be cancelled. And as none of the tenants was given any prospect of financial support to help with the higher monthly rent in the substitute apartments, people would be at serious risk of becoming homeless. Tenants who announced that they will seek legal advice or might not comply were threatened that the substitute apartments would be rented for them no matter what. – So that nobody could accuse the Senate of directly pushing people into homelessness, even though the next eviction is pre-programmed later on as soon as people are no longer able to pay the higher rents in the new apartments …

Müller and senator for urban development Geißel have given this violent method their blessings. The public administration together with law firm ! White and Case“ willingly implement the instructions, intentionally producing pressure and spreading existential fear amongst the people of Beermannstr. 20 and 22. Eventually, this political scandal – the demolition of habitable and affordable housing space plus the implementation of the A100 plans – will be delegated to the police.

Nobody will be left alone!

  • We will offer everyone in the houses at Beermannstr. 20 and 22 who wants to stay our strongest support!
  • We announce a blockade of any potential forced evictions!
  • We will occupy the houses!
  • On 6 February, we will start our demonstration at evicted Cuvry-space, continue along the places of expulsion in the Wrangel and Kunger quarters, before finally reaching Beermannstraße where we will practice for the reoccupation of the buildings in the presence of journalists. We invite everyone who is in urgent need of housing to come have a look at the houses. Moreover, at this date the Senate will be issued an ultimatum: If the flats are no handed over to the people to live there, we will occupy the houses upon public announcement!

Beermannstraße is just the starting point of all the expulsion that is yet to be excepted as a consequence of extending the A100 highway: As the plans already show, several other streets, houses and projects are in the way of the envisaged A100 route and feeder roads. First information notices to that effect were postally delivered to citizens and projects.

Friday 06.02. | 2 pm | Cuvrystr. corner Schlesische Str. | Demonstration

Packing cases very welcome!

Please look out for up-to-date announcements and news!

Flyer-english (PDF)

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