Anstehende Räumung der besetzen Schule in der Ohlauer Straße in Kreuzberg

Am Freitag war Bezirksstadtrat Herr Panhoff in der Ohlauer Straße, um die Bewohner der besetzten Schule über das aktuelle Geschehen zu informieren.
Klar ist, die Räumung wird stattfinden. Panhoff sagt, er wisse nicht wann und der Senat müsse hierüber entscheiden, allerdings ist davon auszugehen, dass eben diese Entscheidung am Dienstag (24.6.) gefällt wird.


A letter from Bruxelles

Wir haben einen dringenden Unterstützungs-Notruf gegen die Räumung von Flüchtlingen erhalten, die in der besetzten Refugee-Schule wohnen, aber grade auf ihrem Marsch in Brüssel sind:

Emergency call against eviction – Please spread on all canals!

Dear all,

We are people from the occupied Gerhard-Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg who are now at the refugee protest camp for the March for Freedom in Bruxelles.

We got the information from the Kreuzberg district officials (as is Mr. Panhoff) to leave the school voluntarily on monday the latest. So it’s clear that the following days will be the days of eviciton. Most propably on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. We, refugees, don’t agree with this decision! We want to keep the school as our self organized home, whatever it takes! And what does it take?.. It takes solidarity from all of you! We are excpecting exceptional police brutality. So we call for everybody to come to the school on monday evening and stay for the night because they usually come very early in the morning.


Here in Bruxelles we will show our solidarity with a strong demonstration to the German embassy on Tuesday and an action in front of the Office of the Representation of Berlin on Monday.

Also please be aware for the latest news during this week!

Solidarity greetings from Bruxelles!

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